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Live a life Worthy of your Calling

This post is dedicated to my ever loyal and faithful team of 12 of Women and also the Men I was 'co-shepherding' in the Church in Kabacan.

For the past few weeks, I've had early mornings and late nights of sleeplessness. It's usually I am in tears, hands shaking and pleading to God on my knees. It was here where I could only find security and peace.

In one of my devotionals, God have spoken very clear to me through the words of the Apostle Paul through the 4th chapter and 1st verse of his letter to the Church in Ephesus. It goes like this:

'Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.' 

It was one of those verses during your reading that sort of pops up at you and leaves you speechless. And I started to meditate on it; chewing it until I got out the last juices of it. Read almost word for word in the dictionary.

What is a Calling?
When you hear or read those words, it seem hard to understand. Is it a phone call? A profession? An occupation? 

I've written about my Calling as a pastor and preacher countless times in my blog (tulak ng bibig kabig ng dibdib?hehehe). I loved my calling. But its not all flowers and sunshine when I said yes to it (waw..prang marriage ah..jajaja).

For me before the rhema word brought new meaning to that word, Calling was something I do. To be available for the sheepfold. To take the time to know them. Love them. Care for them. Then add all the other facets of my pastoral work like leading worship, teaching in the School of Leaders, Training people. 

To some it up- It was what I was MEANT TO DO.

But did I really missed the point?
I've asked that question a few days ago. I might have been here, doing all of this and still missed God's point for the calling. I had a little input and revelation with a Christian Movie I saw just recently. The title was 'This is our time'.

I loved the storyline since its also 'graduation season' (I'm always doing research also for my preachings). 4 young professionals fresh from graduation and all doing God's will and responding to God's calling. As the story progresses, I kind of identify myself to one of the characters. Then there was the conversation between his college professor that hit home run for me.

(btw the professor is the same guy who portrays Jesus in the Encounter movies)
He talked about calling. That it was not something God meant us to do- but something that we are MEANT TO BECOME. I remembered I did not sleep that night(or early morning) again. I started to contemplate more about what God has called me to be not what I was doing (or done or what I'm about to do). 

My three A's
Just this morning, I've spent a big half of my day praying after waking up. As I sit in prayer, God spoke so clear I thought He was just inside my room. I audibly heard Him say- 'Acceptance'

It was my third A. I asked Him when I was still starting out as a Pastor what was I called to do (now become). It was Available. I was meant to be available for Him and others. That my greatest love language is TIME. Oh! It was costly also (when it did not cost you, I think its never valuable). I made the decision to resign from my work and go full time.

My second was Anointing( this one I just got a few months and weeks ago). To be set-apart. Pure. (2 Cor. 11:2). 

To be Acceptance
What is Acceptance in the first place? I could go to the dictionary, yet my standard and meaning would be based on Jesus. 

The picture of acceptance is Jesus itself. He accepted a person's past like Mary who poured out the alabaster jar on His feet. He did not thought twice taking every lash and nail on His body no matter how difficult I was at the present. And most especially, He gave the same intensity of love whether I would be a Peter or Judas in the future. He loved and accepted all of me NOW- 100%.

He called me to give the same love I have received from Him. Easy said than done. Yet I think I always have loved disciples- whether they stay or not- just the same. I never stopped praying and seeking God for them. 

Testing of Calling
Now, that calling is being tested. 

This are just one of the days I at times despise. People leave. Say 'pagod na ako'. Or they just vanish like in a magic act (sana alam ko din magpa re-appear noh?). 

But I heard Him speak through Eph. 4:1- 'Live life worthy of your Calling Lec.' 
 My calling is something that you and I are all in common the moment we 'believed' and 'belonged' in Christ. It was 'becoming' like Him. I finally got it now. I was not meant to do this and that; I was meant to BE what I do. I was not meant to preach- I was meant to become the preaching, my life speaking for itself. I was not meant to worship- I was meant to become worship, my body and life a living and pleasing sacrifice for Jesus. 

I was meant to become like Jesus. To be Available, Anointed and Accepting. I was not to love them- I was to become the embodiment of LOVE- to become patient, kind and hopeful.

Lord make me worthy of this Life you Called me to LIVE. 
A life poured out like yours. I look to You. Imitating You because we are your Children God. To be like Jesus who lived a self-sacrificed life as a pleasing aroma.

I beg as Paul begs

I think I'll never beg anyone to accept Christ or follow Him. To my dear disciples, I'll never beg you to follow Him. It will always be your choice. He himself said, 'Come follow me'. An invitation not a command. 

Yet the moment you said Yes, my responsibility as your pastor begins. So I will beg as Paul begged-Live life worthy of your Calling whom God called you to become. Some of you are graduating. Some are just about to embark a new journey. Don't get stuck on the motions and what you are doing in the ministry. It was never the work you do- Its the work IN you that God is after so that you'll become what you were meant to be- Christ Jesus. 

My pleading is a prayerful pleading. Its from the cry out of a mother in the faith who has seen you grow from the spiritual baby that you were to the matured man and woman that you are becoming. I have seen you grow up. So I urged you more now like father in the faith to continue. Padayun. Don't stop. Mao na ni pero dili pa ni mao. Let's keep the faith, fight the good fight and finish the race. Soar on wings like eagles. 

Soli Deo Gloria! 


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