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Showing posts from August 13, 2017


Yes 3 letters One word Would have been my answer If only your question i have heard Yes Begins with a Y Maybe it means You Might have been mine If only you'd asked me to be yours Yes Center of it is E Maybe it was Everything Would have been You It would have been my answer If only the question i knew Yes A Truth and Fact Resounding and reassuring If only... If only you have ever asked.

Bittersweet Life

We just celebrated the church's 6th year anniversary. Today as I am resting and feeling pain and fatigue in my body after yesterday's activities and also the euphoria of emotions of all that happened yesterday, I mulled over God's Word today in: New Living Translation Proverbs 14:10 Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can fully share its joy. If someone would have asked me what I felt yesterday and probably what happened for the past 6 years, this verse best describes it. Something you can't fully equate or put into words. A life meant to be experienced rather than explained. Much like poetry. You don't feel the words really- more of felt and experienced it personally thats why a poem seems beautiful and true. To describe a life of a follower and disciple of Jesus- bittersweet. Bitterness that only your heart could fully know and joys that are beyond words to be expressed and could not be fully shared to others. Just like last Sund...