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Showing posts from November 20, 2016

Daily devotional: Proverbs 24

Proverbs 24:6 So don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers. Victory depends on 3 things: Humility to accept wise guidance from others Teacheability to apply what was advised Good and Quality company. The people you surround yourself will either break you or make you.

Daily devotional: Proverbs 21

Proverbs 21:3 The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices. Do what is Right. Many people do what they THINK is right not what the Lord thinks is right. They justify and even rationalize until they feel good about themselves. But FEELING good and doing what is right is different. Your standard of rightness is not subjective, it should be objective with God's word(qouting a bible verse and not doing it doesn't count). #dotheright #wagkumaliwa