I've read many books and heard many stories but the ones that truly fascinate me are those right out of the 'horse's mouth' or from someone who was actually there in the exact time and place when the story happened. First hand accounts makes it factual and credible. Much like in the court room for a case or statement to be proven true, there should be evidence or an eyewitness report. A Testimony from an eyewitness. This is how John begins the his letter in 1 John. He was one of the 12 disciples, hand picked, called by name and chosen personally by Jesus ( Matthew 4:18-22 ; Mark 1:16-20 ; Mark 3:13-18 ). This is how he starts his letter: Take note of how he begins the letter. It's laying it down even before instructing or further explaining any 'theological' ideas, he plainly says that whatever he is about to say about Jesus is the Truth. He speaks from someone who have clearly "heard and seen" Jesus. Then he furthers his claim when he...
Psalms 45:1 Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem about the king, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet. Write Things at the Write Time. I Read and Write Stories. Reading and Writing For A Living and Living for Reading and Writing. Books, Movies, Music and Anything Under the Moon and Sun. My Prayers, Prose and Poetry