“Like or Unlike: The Effects of Social Networking Sites in the Workplace” INTRODUCTION: We are now in a very fast paced generation where almost everything is accessible in just one click of a button and almost everyone is virtually connected in the internet. This includes being connected with Social Networking Sites (SNS) that is also rapidly integrating within the workplace. What led the researcher in this study is based on the increasing negative and also positive effects of SNS inside the workplace, based from the related literature gathered and at the same time from the researcher’s personal experience. Another reason for this study is that there is a little related literature for policies concerning these negative and positive effects and how it could be utilized to the benefit of the company. Social Networking Sites: Growing Phenomena One of the most common internet-based creations where people are cu...
Psalms 45:1 Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem about the king, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet. Write Things at the Write Time. I Read and Write Stories. Reading and Writing For A Living and Living for Reading and Writing. Books, Movies, Music and Anything Under the Moon and Sun. My Prayers, Prose and Poetry