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The Calling of the one who Loves me

I should have posted something on the day of 'hearts' yet I was travelling most of the time. It was also a time that I spent more with the people I value most- out closecell and spiritual leaders. 

My February's are usually memorable not because of reasons many celebrate it with people they are romantically involve with. Sure, I celebrate it with the same reason- LOVE but not what the world speaks of. Love has become highly commercialized this days. Just imagine the amount of roses and chocolates sold last February 14! Oh! I have nothing against roses and a few chocolates (though I am allergic), since I received some myself..But what love stands for this days. It's meaning has downgraded and lost its 'spectacular' effect. So that's what I am sharing now.

It was Friday again, the eve of V-day and I was from another 3 hour long travel from Kabacan to Davao city. I was with two of my disciples and we ate a very heavy dinner. We rushed to BCC for the Youth Reload. The theme for this February is 'Meant to be' and that night was all about 'Victims to Victors'. 

I love spending time here- other than I could really bond with my disciple who is currently studying in the city but at the same time an opportunity to listen and receive from my leaders. A chance to be refreshed and receive new revelations that I could impart when I get back home. 

I missed the worship (where you're not the one leading or overseeing the flow).
I love sitting in the crowd (and not the one either preaching or at the back interceding for your disciple).
It felt like my first time again. Then the Word came. 
I was laughing. I was joyful. But actually I was struggling before I came to the YR. That friday morning I had to confront the team with 'divisions' and walls that needed to be broken. That day I had less sleep because I was consistently awoken by God in prayer. And before going, I had to surrender something once more. 

It was ironic but I knew it was never an accident. Last Feb. 13, 2015 was my 4th year as a Christian. It was the very same date 4 years ago when I received Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Yes, like many, I was celebrating the calling of the one who loves me more than I could ever imagine. 

Then Manong Gen made an illustration that hit home- 'much is given much is required'. I laughed at the illustration- enjoying it. But inside I wanted to cry because it was like what I felt 4 years ago when God called me out of the City to serve in the province as a full time pastor. 

Much love is given, much is required.

 I was reminded on the very day I received Him that everything I have- including my dreams, my rights and my very life belongs to Him. You might not like how it sounds but just think of your current situation; you might be in a relationship right now. How is it that it makes you head over heels when you belong to someone like a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband yet it sounds 'controlling' for the Lord to own you? 

I belonged to Him. Because of one thing- LOVE. Self-sacrificing. Enduring. Faithful.

It was actually funny because by the time the preacher called for an altar call I was up to my feet and compelled to really lay it out to Him. Everyone was still caught up in their own encounter with God that night that it took a few more seconds before anyone was walking to the front. I had my own, God gave me a vision in John 21:15-18
After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?[e]
“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.”
“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him.
16 Jesus repeated the question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
“Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.”
“Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said.
17 A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.
18 “I tell you the truth, when you were young, you were able to do as you liked; you dressed yourself and went wherever you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and others[f] will dress you and take you where you don’t want to go.”

I was Peter. He was asking me if i loved Him more that 'these'. 'These' is the plural term for something you are referring to. What are my 'these' Lord, compared to my Love for you? When I got home, I spent time with Him and asked those things. They were the same things 4 years ago: time, energy, dreams, rights, people. The list goes on. In God, everything is in competition for His affection. That night, I slept sober once more. Matured a little bit more. Learned more. Loved more. 

I still shed a few tears and spend early mornings and nights crying out to God for comfort. I still think of the things I had to give but much more than what I will gain. Soli Deo Gloria!


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